Dr Simon Broughton
Consultant Paediatrician
Simon is a General Paediatrician, starting working at Kings as a consultant in 2007. He has a PhD in infant respiratory physiology and the impact of RSV on prematurely born infants. He has had a diverse career to date with multiple different roles, Including:
Paediatric HDU consultant 2008 to 2015, Training Programme Director London 2008 to 2017, Kings College Hospital Assistant Director of Medical Education 2010 to 2015, MSc Advanced Paediatrics Course Director KCL 2009-2015, RCPCH Officer for recruitment 2017 to 2025, Kings College Hospital Clinical Director 2018 to 2022.
He loves hiking and family time and travelling to Italy and practicing his very poor Italian and winding up Arsenal fans!
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Friday 24th Jan
Serendipity in Paediatrics